How to Install phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 22.04

install phppgadmin on ubuntu

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 22.04 OS.

phpPgAdmin is a web-based software used for managing the PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system. PostgreSQL can be managed through the command line, but for novice users, the better option is phpPgAdmin web-based GUI. In this blog post, we will install the PostgreSQL server first, then the phpPgAdmin. Also, we are going to use the Apache Web server so that you can access phpPgAdmin via the domain name.

For this installation, we will need around 20 minutes. Let’s get started!

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How To Install phpPgAdmin On Ubuntu 20.04

how to install phppgadmin on ubuntu 20.04

PostgreSQL is one of many powerful and famous object-relational database systems. It is a free and open-source database management system. Usually, people manage their PostgreSQL databases through a command-line interface, which might give some difficulties to novice users.

install phppgadmin on ubuntu 20.04

PhpPgAdmin is an open-source web administration interface for PostgreSQL written in PHP. It is used to manage PostgreSQL databases through a web interface.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install PhpPgAdmin on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS.

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How to Install phpPgAdmin on Debian 9

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install phpPgAdmin on a Debian 9 VPS.

PhpPgAdmin is an open-source web administration interface used for managing PostgreSQL databases. PhpPgAdmin is written in PHP and it makes the administration of PostgreSQL databases easier, not to mention the web-based GUI making everything more user-friendly and easier to use. Let’s begin with the installation process.

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Install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04

Install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu

We’ll show you, how to Install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04. PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that is suited for large databases and has many advanced features. Its emphasis is on extensibility and standards-compliance. PostgreSQL can handle workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users. Installing PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04, is an easy and doesn’t take much time, follow the steps in this tutorial and you will be able to create and manage databases in PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 16.04, in few minutes. PostgreSQL is available for many operating systems few of which are Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows.

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