How to install Joomla 2.5 in CentOS 6

how to install Joomla 2.5 in CentOS 6 Linux VPSWhat is Joomla?

It is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications.

What’s a content management system?

A content management system is software that keeps track of every piece of content on your Web site, much like your local public library keeps track of books and stores them. Content can be simple text, photos, music, video, documents, or just about anything you can think of. A major advantage of using a CMS is that it requires almost no technical skill or knowledge to manage.

To install and run Joomla 2.5 in your CentOS 6 Linux VPS you need to complete the following few steps. We assume you have installed and configured LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) or LNMP (Linux Nginx MySQL and PHP) on your system.

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Why is a Linux VPS a better choice than a Windows VPS

Linux VPS server better than Windows VPS serverLinux VPS hosting has become very popular among businesses, programmers and developers nowadays, mainly due to its many advantages in terms of cost effectiveness, flexibility, better performance, security, stability, reliability and functionality of course. As an operating system GNU/Linux became the world’s most dominant hosting solution for Internet hosting businesses mainly because of the many benefits you’ll get by using it on your servers.

So, why is a Linux based VPS better choice than a Windows based VPS?

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