Does Changing Website Host Affect SEO?

Does Changing Website Host Affect SEO?

Does Changing Website Host Affect SEO? In short, yes it does affect the SEO of a website. Changing the location of your web host can affect your website in several different ways. One of these is SEO and you site’s search engine listing position. Though many believe that location changes only have a minimal effect on a site’s SEO rankings, here are several points that show how the effects can be significant.

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Why is a Linux VPS a better choice than a Windows VPS

Linux VPS server better than Windows VPS serverLinux VPS hosting has become very popular among businesses, programmers and developers nowadays, mainly due to its many advantages in terms of cost effectiveness, flexibility, better performance, security, stability, reliability and functionality of course. As an operating system GNU/Linux became the world’s most dominant hosting solution for Internet hosting businesses mainly because of the many benefits you’ll get by using it on your servers.

So, why is a Linux based VPS better choice than a Windows based VPS?

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