How to Install Odoo 10 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

How to Install Odoo 10 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

In this tutorial we will show you how to install Odoo 10 on Ubuntu 16.04. We will also show you how install and configure the Nginx web server as a reverse proxy for your Odoo application. Odoo is a web-based open source business software including a number of business applications for Sales, Project and Warehouse management, CRM, Website/eCommerce, billing, accounting, inventory and thousands of more additional modules developed by the community. There are two Odoo editions currently available, the Community edition which is free and Enterprise edition. For the purposes of this tutorial we will be using the Odoo 10 Community edition.

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How to Install Odoo 11 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

How to Install Odoo 11 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing Odoo 11 on Ubuntu 16.04. We will also install Nginx web server and configure it as a reverse proxy. Odoo (formerly OpenERP) is simple and intuitive suite of open-source enterprise management applications such as Website Builder, eCommerce, CRM, Accounting, Manufacturing, Project and Warehouse Management, Human Resources, Marketing and many more. Used by more than 3.7 million users ranging from startups to large companies, it is one of the most popular software of this type in the world. Odoo comes in two editions, Community edition which is free and Enterprise edition. In our case we will install and use the Community edition of Odoo.

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How to Set Up Nginx High Availability Cluster using Pacemaker on CentOS 7

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up Nginx High Availability cluster using Pacemaker on CentOS 7. To have an Nginx server that can operate continuously without failure for a long time, we need to configure the server with active-passive Nginx instances.  Pacemaker is an open source cluster manager software that achieves maximum high availability of your services. It’s an advanced and scalable High Availability cluster manager distributed by ClusterLabs, it manages all cluster services and use the messaging and membership capabilities of the underlying cluster engine.

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How to Install Nginx on Debian 9

How to Install Nginx on Debian 9

Nginx is a free, open-source and high-performance HTTP server. It is widely used for load balancing,  mail proxy server,  generic TCP/UDP proxy server, it provides reverse proxy configuration, media streaming and much more. It is designed to efficiently serve both low and high traffic websites and it is a very popular alternative to the Apache web server. Nginx is powering a lot of heavily loaded websites like Yandex, DropBox, NetFlix, WordPress.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure Nginx on Debian. Installing Nginx on a Debian server is a very easy task, and if you carefully follow all the instructions provided below, you should have your Nginx server up and running in less than 10 minutes. This tutorial has been written for and tested on Debian 9 VPS.

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How to Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

Nginx is one of the most popular open source web server software. It is widely used for load balancing, reverse proxying, media streaming and much more. Nginx is the only all-in-one high-performance HTTP server, designed to serve a high volume of concurrent connections, as an alternative to Apache web server. Today Nginx is installed on more than 450 million servers worldwide and is used by one of the highest traffic websites on the web like Dropbox, Zynga games, Netflix. In this tutorial, we will show you how to Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04.

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How to Redirect a Domain

How to Redirect a Domain

We’ll show you, how to redirect a domain. URL redirection, also called URL forwarding, is a World Wide Web technique for making a web page available under more than one URL address. When a web browser attempts to open a URL that has been redirected, a page with a different URL is opened. There are few ways to redirect a domain and it depends on the web server used etc. In this tutorial we are going to show you, how to redirect a domain with Apache web server and URL redirection with NGINX web server.

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