Why Small Business Owners Need Fully Managed Hosting?

In today’s climate where market competition is increasing rapidly, can small businesses afford to invest their resources and time in managing their own hardware? That’s a big no.
The last thing a small business owner needs is a server problem that causes their business to fail completely.

managed hosting for small businesses

This is why, small businesses need to opt for fully managed hosting, as it will save them from all the hassles of technical management as well as its related costs. The server will be entirely managed by the cloud provider- right from resource scaling to data migration and technical support, everything will be taken care of.

Here are a few factors and benefits you should know about the notion of fully managed hosting.

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What Size of Server Hosting Is Best for Small Businesses?

What Size Server Hosting Is Best for Small Businesses

Excellent performance and a great user experience are possible when you use a powerful web server that has ample resources. This is why you should estimate the size you’ll need from your web server – it helps keep your website running smoothly. But what size of Linux server hosting is best for your small business site? It actually depends on several factors.

Your hosting server’s load depends on how many databases and files are present, the operating system, installed software, server functions, and applications. There are several other factors to consider too, like security tools, access frequency, webpage size, number of users, whether the site is dynamic or static, and so on. Ideally, it is best to have a little more resources than the actual usage. This will allow the web server to efficiently handle high peak traffic, as well as accommodate any unusual spikes in traffic.

With the abundant options available across storage, RAM, CPU, and networking, it is time-consuming to choose the right server hosting for your use case. Let’s discuss what size server is best for you or your small business.

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When and Why Should You Upgrade to a Dedicated Server?

When and Why Should You Upgrade to a Dedicated Server

The core objective of every business, whether it’s SMEs or large-scale corporations, is to provide their customers with an exceptional UX (user experience). Most of them start with a shared server or VPS hosting as they are cost-effective, but eventually such a hosting plan fails to sustain once you start to scale up. Knowing this, it might be hard to decide when to upgrade. Let’s show you when and why you should upgrade to a dedicated server.

Dedicated server hosting gives you an entire server solely reserved for your business’s uses. Such a hosting environment provides enhanced security and performance with root access to admin. Though dedicated servers are more expensive than shared hosting or VPS hosting, it is perfect for businesses who are serious about their website and want to expand. 

Now it might be a bit challenging for businesses to understand when exactly to switch to a dedicated server. 

So, in this post we are going to look at reasons why and when you should turn to dedicated server hosting:

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How to Install Flectra on CentOS 8 with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

Flectra is an open-source, powerful and customizable business management tool that helps you grow your business through its powerful modular design covering all essential aspects of most businesses.

Flectra integrates the capabilities of CRM and ERP systems into a single package. Flectra helps you modify and adapt your system to meet the unique needs of your business. This makes it the ultimate business app suite that gives you a scalable business management platform which provides you with all the freedom to make the software work for you and your business setup.

Flectra offers several features that cover almost every use case, including e-Commerce, Accounting, Sales Management, Websites, Marketing, Inventory Management, MRP, Reporting, Timesheets, and lots more.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Flectra on a CentOS 8 VPS using Nginx as a reverse proxy.

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