Screen Commands in Linux with Examples

screen commands in Linux with examples

GNU Screen, or screen, is a tool to multiplex a terminal between several processes. With screen, you are able to run multiple session instances from a single terminal session. Let’s go over some useful screen commands in Linux and explain how this versatile tool works.

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Top 10 Docker Commands You Should Know

top 10 docker commands

In this tutorial, we are going to show you the ten most used Docker commands you should know.

Docker is an open-source platform service used for running applications in isolated environments called containers. The containers have their own structure, with encapsulated services that can not interfere with the work of the main server. In this tutorial, we are going to use the Ubuntu 22.04 OS, but you can choose any Linux distro you want.

First, we will install the docker and then show you the ten most used docker commands. Let’s get started!

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10 Useful and Practical PostgreSQL Commands

useful and practical postgresql commands

In this tutorial, we are going to explain ten useful and practical PostgreSQL commands in Linux.

PostgreSQL is a very powerful object-relational database management system. It is SQL complained designed to handle many concurrent users and a range of workloads. PostgreSQL is compatible with different operating systems such as macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, and Linux, which this blog post will explain.

We will install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 22.04, but you can choose any Linux distro you want. Let’s get started!

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10 Useful YUM Commands in Linux

10 useful yum commands in linux

In this tutorial we are going to show you the most used 10 YUM commands in Linux. YUM is a command-line package management system that is used on CentOS and AlmaLinux.

YUM (shortcat for “Yellowdog Updater Modified“) package manager is responsible for managing the packages from the YUM repositories located on the server at /etc/yum.repos.d/. In this tutorial we are going to install, remove, update software packages with real example.

The YUM command examples will be explained on the CentOS 7 OS. Let’s get started!

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How to Run Commands Simultaneously in Linux

How to Run Commands Simultaneously in Linux

Let’s say you’re editing a configuration file in the Linux “vi” editor, and suddenly need to look up some data in another file? On a regular GUI system, this wouldn’t be a problem. You just open the second file, check when you need, and then switch back to the first program. On a command line, it isn’t that simple. Executing a process via the CLI blocks further input on any other program. Take this sleep command, for example,:

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Linux Grep Command Examples

Linux Grep Command Examples.
Linux Grep Command Examples.

grep command in linux with examplesIn this article, we are going to provide you with useful examples of the Linux grep command, including the two variant programs: egrep and fgrep. grep (global regular expression print) is used to search for text strings and regular expressions line by line which matches a specified pattern within one or more files.

Listed below are some simple and useful examples of how to use the grep command on Linux and search for a string in one/multiple files.

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Quick Linux Tips and Tricks

quick linux tips and tricks

Using a Linux terminal is always difficult, especially at the beginning when everything is new to the user. I remember my first contact with a Linux terminal like it was yesterday. After all, I was interacting with a machine that responded to everything I typed. I started learning the basic commands such as “cd”, “ps” “w” “mkdir” which at the time it was like I entered another world, a digitalized one which I’m just starting to uncover. The excitement I felt back then still hits me when I discover some great combination of commands to ease the server/service administration or configuration.

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