How to Use Puppet Modules to Create a LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 20.04

Puppet is a powerful open-source configuration management tool that can be used to deploy, configure, manage, and maintain a server while accessing it remotely. Puppet is written in Ruby and helps you to deploy and manage a single server – all the way up to thousands of physical and virtual servers – all from a central location.

Puppet modules are collections of manifest files and data that allow Puppet to load and find classes, facts, functions, defined types, and tasks. With Puppet modules, you can install and update packages, create files and directories, and/or make any configuration changes quickly and easily. It aims to perform and automate almost any task, such as launching a LAMP environment, setting up virtual hosts, etc.

In this tutorial, we will show how to create a LAMP module to deploy a LAMP stack on the Puppet agent machine, both of which are Ubuntu 20.04 VPSes. Let’s begin.

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