How to Install pip on Ubuntu 20.04

install pip python ubuntu 20.04

In this article, we will talk about how to install pip on Ubuntu 20.04. To begin, we’ll need to clarify what pip actually is. Pip is a package manager for Python. It’s normally used to install and manage Python modules on your system.

installing pip on ubuntu 20.04

In case Python is new to you as well, Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is becoming increasingly popular over the years. Python is widely used in software development, system administration, scientific and numeric data analysis, and much more.

Both Python 2 or Python 3 can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04. However, with Ubuntu 20.04, the default version is Python 3. If for some reason you need Python 2 along with its version of pip, don’t worry, we’re covering that in this tutorial as well.

Pip is not installed by default on Ubuntu – however, the installation is quite quick and simple. Let’s start with the installation. Installing pip on Ubuntu 20.04 is a fairly easy task and it should be done in less than 10 minutes.

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How to Install Python 3.6.4 on Debian 9

How to Install Python 3.6.4 on Debian 9

Python is a interactive and object-oriented scripting language. It is one of the most popular programming languages. Python is a general-purpose programming language designed to be highly readable. It is using English keywords instead of punctuation and it also has fewer syntactical constructions than other programming languages and it allows developers to use different programming styles for creating their programs, and write code almost as if speaking in a human language.

install python 364 on debian 9

Installing Python 3.6.4 on a Debian VPS, is an easy task, just follow the steps below carefully and you should have Python 3.6.4 on Debian 9 installed in few minutes.

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