What is Level 3 Support, and How Does it Help Your Online Business?

A level 3 support Linux administrator.

Level 3 Support is the highest tier of technical support a hosting company can provide you with. Unlike level 1 or 2, level 3 support can be provided only by the most knowledgeable, skilled, and tenured professionals. Additionally, they need to have extensive knowledge of tools and resources to resolve your issue directly.

As an example, Linux hosting enables you to use free, open-source software. It is the most secure and reliable operating system and is ultimately the best hosting type for running your website. This, however, doesn’t mean that everything always runs smoothly.

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What is Uptime? Overview, Importance, Tips and Best Practices

what is uptime

Many hosting providers claim to provide optimal uptime for their customers. What is uptime, though? 

Uptime is simply the length of time a server, website, etc. is on and operating properly. In simpler terms, if your server is frequently inaccessible and takes your website down, then it has a lot of downtime, or low uptime. Good uptime therefore means that your server simply does not lock up or go offline often, or at all, and your website is available to your visitors at all times.

Website availability, website uptime or uptime are often times used interchangeably. A website with high uptime rate guarantees consistent delivery of intended services, while a website with low uptime rate introduces doubt to its users.

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