Seafile is an open source cloud storage system for storing files on the Seafile server and synchronize the files between multiple computers or mobile devices using the Seafile client. Using Seafile you can also create groups with file syncing, wikis, and start discussions with your team to enable easy collaboration.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing Seafile on an Ubuntu 14.04 Linux virtual server with MySQL server, Apache web server and PHP.
First of all, log in to your Ubuntu 14.04 server as user root and make sure that all packages are up-to-date
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
Install the following dependencies needed by Seafile
apt-get install python-setuptools python-imaging python-mysqldb
Install MySQL server
apt-get install mysql-server
Run the following command to secure your MySQL server and set a new root passord
Next, install Apache web server and PHP on your server
apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
Download the latest stable version of Seafile to your server from their official website. At the moment of writing this article it is version 4.0.6
cd /opt/ wget
Unpack the downloaded tar archive
tar -xzf seafile-server_4.0.6_x86-64.tar.gz cd seafile-server-4.0.6/
Run the following script to check if your server meets all requirements.
We’ve already installed all requirements and there should be no problem, so press the Enter key to continue the installation. You will be prompted to enter several information needed to configure Seafile, such as server name, IP address, listening ports, create MySQL database for Seafile, etc…
After all required information are entered you will get the following message
----------------------------------------------------------------- Your seafile server configuration has been finished successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------- run seafile server: ./ { start | stop | restart } run seahub server: ./ { start | stop | restart }
So, execute the following scritps to start the Seafile and Seahub servers:
./ start ./ start
Since the Seahub server is started for the first time, you will need to create the admin account.
What is the email for the admin account? [ admin email ] What is the password for the admin account? [ admin password ] Enter the password again: [ admin password again ] ---------------------------------------- Successfully created seafile admin ----------------------------------------
Seahub is Seafile server package contains a light-weight Python HTTP server that serves the website. Once the Seahub server is started, you can access Seafile at and log in with the crated admin account.
Of course you don’t have to do any of this if you use one of our Linux VPS Hosting services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install Seafile for you. They are available 24×7 and will take care of your request immediately.
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New server install and I installation failed, java was not found.
apt-get install default-jre
You need to have Java installed on your server in order to install Seafile.