How to Fix WordPress “Critical Error” Message

how to fix wordpress critical error message

WordPress is an open-source CMS built in PHP and MySQL. This CMS is used by many developers, experts, and beginners around the globe. By using WordPress, we do not need any programming skills to develop a website. The downside is, sometimes things go wrong, and you’ll see an error appear. We’re here to show you how to fix the WordPress “Critical Error” message.

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how to fix err_connection_refused error

In this tutorial, we will show you how to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error that can happen both when accessing other websites as well as when trying to access your own website. This error shows up when trying to access a webpage and your connection to it gets refused by the server. However, this error can sometimes occur even though the server is not refusing your connection.

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How to Solve the Most Common WordPress Errors

how to solve the most common wordpress errors

Today we are going to explain and give you some instructions on how can you fix the most common WordPress errors that may occur on your WordPress website.

There is no strict rule to fix the issues since we need to debug first and understand what the problem may be, but sometimes some errors are very common and there are quick fixes, that all WordPress users need to know.

solving the most common errors in wordpress

Fixing the issues will be explained with real examples on the server, with preinstalled WordPress website. These issues are server-related issues and may be very useful for the users that are maintaining their WordPress on their own. Let’s get started!

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