Pure-FTPd is a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server which is actively supported and designed with security in mind. It focuses on efficiency, ease of use and provides simple answers to common needs, plus unique useful features for personal users especially on Linux VPS servers as well as hosting providers. Pure-FTPd can even run 100% non-root, with its built-in chroot() emulation and virtual accounts.
Jeff Wilson
How to install and run Stringer on a Fedora Linux VPS
The following tutorial will guide you through the details on how to install and run Stringer on a Fedora 20 Linux VPS.
What is Stringer?
It is a self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader written in Ruby. It is based on Sinatra, ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, Backbone.js and DelayedJob.
– A Fedora Linux VPS Hosting
– Ruby version higher than 2.0.0
– PostgreSQL
Install eZ Publish Community Project on a CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx and PHP-FPM
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install eZ Publish Community edition on a CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP-FPM. eZ Publish Community edition is an open source enterprise PHP content management system build on top of Symfony framework. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for a CentOS7 VPS.
Install PowerDNS and Poweradmin on a CentOS 7 VPS
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install PowerDNS and Poweradmin on a CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP-FPM. PowerDNS is a high-performance and reliable DNS server, written in C++ and can be used as an alternative to BIND. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for CentOS 7 VPS.
How to install mod_security and mod_evasive on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS
Mod_security is an Apache module that helps to protect your website from various attacks such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection attacks, path traversal attacks etc. Mod_evasive is an Apache module that helps to prevent HTTP DoS (DDoS) attacks or server brute force attacks. If you have CentOS installed on your server, follow these instructions to install mod_security with the OWASP core rule set.
To install and configure mod_security and mod_evasive modules on an Ubuntu VPS in order to harden and secure your Apache web server, follow the steps described below:
Install PrestaShop on CentOS
We’ll show you, How to Install PrestaShop on CentOS. PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce solution which allows you to maintain your own online shop. It is very easy to use as well as very easy to install. If you have a Linux VPS with CentOS installed, you can continue with this guide. Otherwise, you can check our Install PrestaShop on Ubuntu guide.
Installing Tomcat 8 on a CentOS 7 Linux VPS
In the following article we will guide you through the steps on how to install the latest Tomcat 8 on a CentOS 7 Linux VPS.
What is Tomcat?
Apache Tomcat (previously known as Jakarta Tomcat) is an application server developed by the Apache Software Foundation that executes Java servlets and renders Web pages that include Java Server Page coding.
System Requirements?
- A Linux VPS Hosting
- JAVA 7+ Server
How to install Gerrit2 on CentOS 7
How to install Gerrit2 on CentOS 7. Gerrit is a web based code review application which uses the Git version control system. Gerrit makes code review easier by generating the code changes in a side-by-side preview, allowing inline comments that can be added by a reviewer. Gerrit allows any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, which simplifies the process when an approved change has to be merged in manually by the project maintainer.
System requirements?
- A Linux VPS hosting
- JAVA JDK higher than 1.7
- Database Server
- Web Server
- CentOS 7 OS