What is Drupal?

What is Drupal CMS?

Looking back, Drupal was initially launched only as a small message board software for students.

Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, and his friends gathered together back in 2001 and decided to start with small steps, but they ended up creating something much more significant: A content management system that powers influential sites such as Tesla, The White House, the Government of France, Warner Music, and Nokia!

Drupal reaches $5.5 million in revenue per year, and more importantly, 97% of users are amazed by Drupal’s efficient performance.

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10 Useful mysqladmin Commands for Database Administration

10 useful mysqladmin commands for database administration

In this blog post, we will show you ten useful mysqladmin commands for database administration.

Mysqladmin is a client for performing administrative operations. We can use this for checking the server’s configuration, creating and removing databases, users, tables, rows, and many more in MySQL. MySQL is a relational database management system used worldwide where the information is stored in tables. There are many database types offered by MySQL such as int, bigint, float,tinyint, smallint, mediumint and many more.

In this tutorial, first, we will install MySQL on the latest Ubuntu 22.04, then show you the mysqladmin commands. Let’s get started!

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How to Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 22.04

Install ElasticSearch on Ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install and configure Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 22.04

Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It is distributed, scalable, and open-source software used to store the collected data. On a daily basis, the administrators use elasticsearch because it has many features such as high availability, various sets of APIs, support for more than one index, native Java API, and many more.

Installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 22.04 is a straightforward process that can take up to 15 minutes. Let’s get started!

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Using Top, Du, and Netstat as Tools to Monitor Server Resources

using top du and netstat to monitor server resources

In this tutorial, we will explain the usage of the top, du, and netstat as tools to monitor server resources.

The du is a shortcut of disk usage, the top is used for showing the running processes, and netstat is for printing network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, etc. We will explain these commands with real examples, and we will use Ubuntu 20.04 as OS in this tutorial, but you can choose any Linux distro per your choice. Let’s get started!

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How to Install Dokuwiki on Ubuntu 22.04

how to install dokuwiki on ubuntu 22.04

Dokuwiki is an open-source wiki software written in PHP, and it doesn’t require a database. It was developed by Andreas Gohr in 2004. Dokuwiki works on plain text files, and its syntax is similar to the one used by MediaWiki. With its simple yet powerful syntax, users can create structured texts easily, and it ensures the data files remain readable outside the wiki. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Dokuwiki on Ubuntu 22.04.

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How To Install Akaunting on Debian 11

how to install akaunting on debian 11

Akaunting is a free, open-source self-hostable accounting software that can be used to manage your invoices, quotes, and finances. Akaunting provides an elegant and intuitive UI will all the features and was designed for small businesses and freelancers.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install Akaunting on Debian 11 VPS.

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