<\/span><\/h2>\nThe Ioncube loader archive can be downloaded free of charge from the official website.<\/p>\n
To download the latest ionCube loaders archive file run the following wget command:<\/p>\n
wget https:\/\/downloads.ioncube.com\/loader_downloads\/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz\r\n<\/pre>\nOnce the file is downloaded, run the following tar command to extract the file in the current working directory:<\/p>\n
tar -xf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz\r\n<\/pre>\nYou can now change to the ioncube directory with:<\/p>\n
cd ioncube\r\n<\/pre>\nand use the ls<\/code> command to list all extracted files:<\/p>\nls -1 \r\n<\/pre>\nThe output should look like this:<\/p>\n
LICENSE.txt\r\nREADME.txt\r\nUSER-GUIDE.pdf\r\nUSER-GUIDE.txt\r\nioncube_loader_lin_4.1.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_4.2.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_4.3.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_4.3_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_4.4.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_4.4_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.0.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.0_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.1.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.1_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.2_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.3_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.4.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.4_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.5.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.5_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.6.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_5.6_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_7.0.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_7.0_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_7.1.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_7.1_ts.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_7.2.so\r\nioncube_loader_lin_7.2_ts.so\r\nloader-wizard.php\r\n<\/pre>\nAs you can see each ionCube loader file ends with PHP_VERSION.so<\/code> which corresponds to a specific PHP version. For example ioncube_loader_lin_7.1.so<\/code> is the PHP extension file that you need to enable if you run PHP 7.1 version on your server.<\/p>\n<\/span>Install IonCube Loader<\/span><\/h2>\nThe default PHP version in Debian 9 is PHP version 7.0. You can check the PHP version installed on your server by running:<\/p>\n
php -v\r\n<\/pre>\nThe output should look like this:<\/p>\n
PHP 7.0.30-0+deb9u1 (cli) (built: Jun 14 2018 13:50:25) ( NTS )\r\nCopyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group\r\nZend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies\r\n with Zend OPcache v7.0.30-0+deb9u1, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies\r\n<\/pre>\nNext, find the location of the PHP extension directory with the following command:<\/p>\n
php -i | grep extension_dir\r\n<\/pre>\nThe output should look like this:<\/p>\n
extension_dir => \/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012 => \/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012\r\n<\/pre>\nIn our case the location of the PHP extension directory is \/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012<\/code>.<\/p>\nOnce you know the location of the PHP extension directory copy the corresponding ionCube loader file into it with the following command:<\/p>\n
sudo cp ioncube_loader_lin_7.0.so \/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012\/\r\n<\/pre>\nIf you have another non-default version of PHP installed on your server you need to copy the corresponding ioncube loader file. For example if you have PHP version 5.6 you will need to copy the ioncube_loader_lin_5.6.so<\/code> file.<\/p>\nNow you need to open the PHP CLI php.ini<\/code> file and add the following line that will load the ionCube extension.<\/p>\nsudo vim \/etc\/php\/7.0\/cli\/php.ini\r\n<\/pre>\nAppend the following line at the end of the file:<\/p>\n
sudo zend_extension=\/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012\/ioncube_loader_lin_7.0.so\r\n<\/pre>\nInstall IonCube Loader for Apache Mod PHP<\/h3>\n
If you are using apache with mod_php to enable ionCube loader extension open the following file:<\/p>\n
sudo vim \/etc\/php\/7.0\/apache2\/php.ini\r\n<\/pre>\nAppend the following line at the end of the file:<\/p>\n
zend_extension=\/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012\/ioncube_loader_lin_7.0.so\r\n<\/pre>\nSave the file and restart the Apache service to apply the changes:<\/p>\n
sudo vim systemctl restart apache2\r\n<\/pre>\nInstall IonCube Loader for PHP-FPM<\/h3>\n
If you are using Apache or Nginx with PHP-FPM as the PHP processor, open the following file and add the same line:<\/p>\n
sudo sudo nano \/etc\/php\/7.0\/fpm\/php.ini\r\n<\/pre>\nAppend the following line at the end of the file:<\/p>\n
zend_extension=\/usr\/lib\/php\/20151012\/ioncube_loader_lin_7.0.so\r\n<\/pre>\nSave the file and restart the PHP-FPM service for changes to take effect:<\/p>\n
sudo sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm\r\n<\/pre>\n